COSMOS® is an integral innovation tool for the oil and gas industry that has allowed users to interconnect the links in the processes of metrology and measurement through data management. This application allows the creation of harmony in the production cycle, with the participation of all the members of the organizational structure from the specificity of their functions, contributing to the productivity of the company and strengthening competitiveness with the inclusion of communication and information technologies.
One of the advantages that our customers have seen is the interaction of different areas within the company through one single application. COSMOS has been structured in multiple modules, which can be accessed by users depending on their roles. This structure not only offers a secured platform to allow or restrict access to the information but it also allows the users in each area to focus on performing their specific tasks, which then will be reflected in other sectors. Therefore, quality analysts, data loggers, measurement leaders, and even commercial and administrative staff do their job, generating a joint result in the productive process of the business.
This integration improves the coordination of activities, links the integration between the different disciplines with the organization, and avoids having several distributed applications.
Considering the complexity and amount of data and elements that represent the measurement and metrology management of the oil and gas industry, users have found that the application presents this information in a friendly and flexible way. COSMOS has been developed based on a framework that uses a physical hierarchy and time selection; this approach, combined with powerful filtering tools, provides the user with the right information.
In addition, throughout the different screens, it is possible to identify anomalies in the dynamic and static measurement data. The cockpit exposes graphically and efficiently statistical analysis using widgets and KPIs from where management levels can easily evaluate the overall performance of the operation with wide coverage, from global to specific points. This makes each member of the organization feel secure and comfortable in the development of their tasks, which improves the satisfaction rate of employees towards a more assertive work performance.
In this way, COSMOS has been an integral, complete, and useful volumetric and metrological management web portal. It provides reliable and trusted information, which allows identifying losses and problems with field equipment, changes in fluid properties, or operating conditions.
Paula Castro Aguilar
Project and Support Engineer
Tory Technologies, Inc.
Paula Castro is an automation engineer at Tory Technologies. She has been working for the past year on COSMOS’s quality assurance, project development, and providing support for the different solutions offered by the company.
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